Sunday, July 27, 2008

Who could have known?

In mid 2000 June or July I think it was, my wife and I decided after long discussion that it was time to go to a poodle breeder that she had been hearing good things about somewhere in Greenbelt MD. So we got in the car and took the 40min ride. Pulling up to the home we could see a small pen with some pups inside and I thought to myself oh no we didn't come all this way for these things. They were not what I expected as I made a few faces my wife explained they were golden doodles, no not what we came for. The pure breed standard poodle pups were inside. So inside we went proceeding to the back of the house we came across a litter of eight pups. My wife asked if we could test their reactions to us outside the cardboard box that they were all trying to escape from anyway. My wife found the one she wanted it was the runt of the group who as soon as he was released from the box made his way to her. She explained that such behavior showed signs of its being submissive and eager to please. Obviously she was the one with more experience when it came to dog shopping. I however had my eye on another pup on the opposite side of the spectrum. He was the biggest of the group and paid both my wife and I no attention whatsoever. My wife insisted that getting him would be a mistake and that she wanted the little guy. I fought back and she seceded. We talked briefly about getting both but budget wouldn't have it. We paid our 500 dollars and left. This pup that resembled a small ape more than a poodle had real issues with riding in a car, his throwing up a few times on the way to his new home. So we finally get him home gather the two children a girl 13 and boy 8 at the time so they could help name the new family member. The children some what with our leading finally settled on the name Jedi (yeah from star wars) . Some eight years later we tend to think Darth Vader or Maul would have fit him better as he proved to be the terror my wife warned of for at least three of his early years. He even now can still be a hand full all 112 pounds of him(no not fat, hes longer and taller than any poodles we yet to hear of or come across to date).Who could have known. I would really like too hear of any poodle to match or break my Jedi's record.

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