Monday, August 4, 2008

Kenobi You are my only hope !!

A few months after we got Jedi our 112 pound poodle(presently that is) who was by this time starting to look less like a little ape and more poodle-ish I convinced my wife to bring Jedi along on a family trip from MD to North Carolina to see my inlaws. So again she gave in to me and all five of us including Jedi hopped into our SUV and headed north. This was always a highlight in the year for me being that I really liked my inlaws (go figure). No really they were all I could ask for in an inlaw both father and mother. By the way my mother inlaw could put her foot in some food( or in more accepted terms she cooked up a storm). Well anyway we were there injoying life even Jedi because as is the case with many southern homes I saw they had a few dogs of their own many just pups themselves. Which bring me to the point of this story. One of the pups was a really friendly and extremely cute Chow mix the had named Ice Cube. Now the reason we opted to get a poodle in the first place aside from the fact that my wife had herself a poodle when growing up, but also because one of our kids was allergic to long hair dogs. Poodles have what more resembles human hair than fur so the don't tend to shed and are easy on the lungs. Well back to Ice Cube once again I pushed my wife to see if we could bring him home with us to be a buddy for Jedi especially as he require so much playing and chewing on daddy time (Kenobi you are my only hope!). And again she caved (10 yrs later I can't get her to let me win now for anything). One of the first thing we did was meet with the kids and have a naming meeting and thus was born our new pup Kenobi.